Replacing garage doors

Replacing garage doors

We're converting our garage into a guest cottage, and the biggest challenge has been figuring out what to do with the garage doors. We need to keep the functionality of garage doors, but we don't want them to look like garage doors. As you can see below, the overhead doors dominate the space and makes it feel like a garage.

I've been on the hunt for a replacement. Our requirements are:

  • It should swing outwards like French doors, to avoid needing the technical gadgetry of overhead doors.
  • It should have a lot of glass, to allow light in and provide a view of the future garden.
  • The door needs to be insulated to keep the space warm in winter.
  • We can't reduce the size of the door opening. Per city code (and for resale value), we need this space to remain technically capable of storing a car.

But where do you get doors like this from? None of the major door manufacturers make this type of door. I thought they did, but it turns out they sell overhead doors that look like carriage doors (but aren't actually functional outswing doors). 

I've learned that doors like this are typically built custom. I was able to get quotes from two wood shops that make them: Clingerman Doors and Real Carriage Doors. The upside is that we can get exactly what we want. The downsides are long lead times (6-10w) and higher cost ($7k/pair for display-quality wood, $5k/pair for paint-grade AZEK).

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