There's no place like (a temporary) home

There's no place like (a temporary) home

As of Saturday, we live in our garage -- and it isn't too bad. Life in the garage is far from glamorous, but it feels like a studio apartment as long as the weather remains temperate. Living in the garage lets us supervise construction, save on rent, and enjoy our backyard.

Rugs have been the single most important part of making the garage habitable. The concrete floor is unsealed and unfinished, giving it a chalky feeling. The rugs are pleasant to walk on and help keep heat in the room at night.

Since we'll be here for a few weeks, I've made an effort to decorate with small touches from our normal living space. It feels silly (putting lipstick on a pig?), but it makes a difference. Plus, our plants are happy to be out of their boxes, even if they're a bit worse for wear.

I had been dreading moving into the garage. It sounded crazy. Who voluntarily moves into a garage when they're almost eight months pregnant? But I don't mind it at all. I really love opening up the garage door in the morning and watching the backyard birds from the couch.

Punky gives her stamp of approval. Concrete feels good on a dog belly on a hot summer day.

Punky gives her stamp of approval. Concrete feels good on a dog belly on a hot summer day.

Old table, modern style

Old table, modern style

Demolition derby

Demolition derby